

Go the F!@# to Sleep!!!

Oh, Helena's finally given in and has gone to sleep. It was not easy - she is a fighter and doesn't like to give in but eventually she can stay up only for a while and when the tiredness comes, she will go crazy for a moment and then just drop. Just like this, no power, no more energy, done. She is asleep. Good. I put her down on the bed. I withdrew quietly just to be called back after few minutes! But I have reports to write and lesson plans to prepare! Don't you know Helena? No, she doesn't. But, but... all this time when she's been asleep I've managed to complete comments for two of my students, and I'm writing this as quickly as possible hoping that after I put a full stop, I will joing Helena and close my eyes for few moments. 

Nope, she's crying.... 

Oh, she's stopped. 
She's not moving! Oh no, she is. 
Legs up, a cry out.

No, no - maybe it's a false alarm, maybe she will go back to sleep... C'mon, Helena, you are knackered!

I need to go.


I will sell her to the gypsies! :-)

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