I was thinking the other day about my blog's profile. At first I thought that it should be exclusively dedicated to my travelling experience. However, I got to the conclusion that it can't be separated from all other things that ramble around my head. So, the blog will be about everything: sex, drugs and travelling. Get ready!
I'm a beginner in writing. I've always been intimidated by a blank sheet of paper in front of me thinking that I'm too inexperienced to write about anthing. Well, I guess it's time to meet the challenge and just strat. I hope that within the time the style will improve, the structure will be more coherent, and, which is the most important, I'll get some feedback from you, as I assume optimistically that somebody will have a look at this site from time to time. PEACE PEOPLE!!!!
A guilt trip
At this time next week I'll be frantically packing and repacking my backpack thinking that, anyway, I have forgotten most of the things. At this time next week I'll be again thinking and rethinking my decision, trying not to go crazy from feeling guilty. At this time next week the only thing I'll be wishing for will be being already on the plane as then it'll be to late to change anything. Not that I really want to. It's more that I'll be away from people who would like me change my mind and myslef. But I am who I am.
Living in a small community is an akward business. I'm so not used to it. If you don't match, then beware - people will continually remind you that you are the odd one out here. A weirdo. A freak of nature. I've been here for two days and I've already been asked questions about my future marriage, been warned that with my lifestyle it'll be very difficult to find a partner, to raise a family. And I'm trying to be beyond this all, but it's soooo tiring. And I see my mother who, I guess, supports me but... I see how uncomfortable she is with all these questions our neighbours and people who come keep asking about me. On one hand, I know that I do what she wanted to do but never had a chance, on the other I see that it's a struggle for her. I see how she keeps asking herself: "why is she the way she is? couldn't she be a nice girl, a normal one so that everybody would stop nagging me?" What is normal? I don't know. Here normal is the way everybody behaves. That's normal. And according to their standards, I'm not normal. I'm trying not to care but somehow it bothers me.
It'll be a great task for me for next couple of months to get rid of this sense of guilt I'm carrying within. I'll be on a massive guilt trip but the thing is that I know that I can't do anthing else but go. This is who and what I am.
Living in a small community is an akward business. I'm so not used to it. If you don't match, then beware - people will continually remind you that you are the odd one out here. A weirdo. A freak of nature. I've been here for two days and I've already been asked questions about my future marriage, been warned that with my lifestyle it'll be very difficult to find a partner, to raise a family. And I'm trying to be beyond this all, but it's soooo tiring. And I see my mother who, I guess, supports me but... I see how uncomfortable she is with all these questions our neighbours and people who come keep asking about me. On one hand, I know that I do what she wanted to do but never had a chance, on the other I see that it's a struggle for her. I see how she keeps asking herself: "why is she the way she is? couldn't she be a nice girl, a normal one so that everybody would stop nagging me?" What is normal? I don't know. Here normal is the way everybody behaves. That's normal. And according to their standards, I'm not normal. I'm trying not to care but somehow it bothers me.
It'll be a great task for me for next couple of months to get rid of this sense of guilt I'm carrying within. I'll be on a massive guilt trip but the thing is that I know that I can't do anthing else but go. This is who and what I am.
Blessing or a curse?
My travelling issue - I've never been able to stay in one place. Actually, that's my parents' falt, as it always is :-) They would send me on trips in Poland, later in Europe and now they actually shouldn't be surprised that I want more and more. I've got itchy feet and I can't do anything about it. The process is irreversable one it's started: the horizon never shrinks, it can only expand more and more. And sometimes, when waiting for a bus/train carrying a massive suitcase or enormous backpack, I'm wondering... Is travelling really a blessing or a curse?
I hear you saying - of course it's a blessing. Everybody wants to do it. Before I took off two years ago people would repeat the same things they're saying now: that they would love to go, that it was great that I'd decided to go, that I'm fulfilling my dreams. But I'm telling you!!! You can do it as well. Why not? Yes, you need money, as it's always one of the crucial argument against travelling - people will claim they don't have enough. You need to decide to leave everything for a while, take a risk, pack your backpack, go through a nightmare of waiting for it to happen but once it starts... it feels great. On the other hand. Will I ever settle down? Will I always feel this voice behing my head: go, it's waiting for you, go!!! Will I ever decide that it's been enough? When? Will I feel it? Or maybe I'll end up with my backpack, loads of memories and nothing that really matters in the material world?
I'm a bit of a drama queen - I know that :-) I always feel a bit panicky before big decisions but... they have to be taken. My mom asked me the other day if I wasn't afraid of all these challenges ahead. I am. Of course I'm. I'd be very arrogant id I'd say I wasn't. However, I won't allow my fears to stop me. I wan't to believe that fears are just some king of projections imposed on us by ourselves and that it's never to late to start fighting with them. Of course, I have to be reasonable and not put myslef in too much risk but... risk is good. Risk makes your blood circulate faster and your brain process things quicker.
So is what I'm doing a blessing or a curse? All in all, I opt for the blessing.
World I'm ready for you :-)
I hear you saying - of course it's a blessing. Everybody wants to do it. Before I took off two years ago people would repeat the same things they're saying now: that they would love to go, that it was great that I'd decided to go, that I'm fulfilling my dreams. But I'm telling you!!! You can do it as well. Why not? Yes, you need money, as it's always one of the crucial argument against travelling - people will claim they don't have enough. You need to decide to leave everything for a while, take a risk, pack your backpack, go through a nightmare of waiting for it to happen but once it starts... it feels great. On the other hand. Will I ever settle down? Will I always feel this voice behing my head: go, it's waiting for you, go!!! Will I ever decide that it's been enough? When? Will I feel it? Or maybe I'll end up with my backpack, loads of memories and nothing that really matters in the material world?
I'm a bit of a drama queen - I know that :-) I always feel a bit panicky before big decisions but... they have to be taken. My mom asked me the other day if I wasn't afraid of all these challenges ahead. I am. Of course I'm. I'd be very arrogant id I'd say I wasn't. However, I won't allow my fears to stop me. I wan't to believe that fears are just some king of projections imposed on us by ourselves and that it's never to late to start fighting with them. Of course, I have to be reasonable and not put myslef in too much risk but... risk is good. Risk makes your blood circulate faster and your brain process things quicker.
So is what I'm doing a blessing or a curse? All in all, I opt for the blessing.
World I'm ready for you :-)
Why Cambodia?
Odpowiedź nie jest prosta. Na pewno jestem trochę zmęczona Warszawą. Kocham to miasto zmęczone, jak ja ale potrzebuje przerwy. Więc dlaczego nie wyjadę na Mazury? Bo za drogo!!!! Nie będzie mnie stać siedzenie bezczynnie tak długo, a poza tym na mazurach nie ma gigantycznych, latających karaluchów, nie ma palmy w ogrodzie, czy też na dachu, nie rosną duriany i pieprz, jak kto mnie zna, to wie że pieprz lubię i to bardzo, więc Kambodża oferuje mi it all. Poza tym właśnie pomyślałam sobie, że jest jeszcze coś, co mi tam bardzo pasuje - bałagan i chaos. Kto mnie trochę zna, again, ten wie, że nie potrafię utrzymać porządku na kilku metrach kwadratowych, że często zdarza mi się eksperymentować i próbuję wyhodować kawę lub herbatę z fusów - póki co bezowocnie ale eksperyment nieustannie trwa... Tak więc bałagan i chaos, które normalnego człowieka doprowadzają do szału, mnie się podobają i czuję się jak w domu. Poza tym ludzie, pogoda, muzyka... jedzenie, blisko do ukochanego Wietnamu, za miedzą Tajlandia... No i moja perła: Angkor Wat. Kto raz był, nigdy nie zapomni.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IN46a_PjKFM - polecam ogromnie, dokument bardzo, bardzo ciekawy. Można się dowiedzieć z niego choćby tyle, że Kambodża nie jest w Afryce. To tak póki co, jeśli chodzi o odpowiedź na pytanie 'dlaczego tam'.
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Angor Wat Temple, Siem Reap, Cambodia |
Że jadę, cieszę sie ogromnie. Już chodzę na lotnisko, żeby popatrzeć sobie na odlatujace samoloty, w zasadzie to ma być taka terapia, bo ogólnie okropnie boje się latać. Do pasji szewskiej doprowadza mnie fakt, że nad niczym nie mam kontroli. No boję się i tyle, więc terapia alkoholem (dużo) będzie nieodzowna. Po kilku głębszych mam nawet wrażenie, że mogłabym usiąść za sterem... Ale zazwyczaj po kilku głębszych to się człowiekowi różne rzeczy wydaje. No więc się cieszę pomimo przeprowadzki, pakowania, lotu... Jadę!!! Udało się. Wracam.
Trochę mi tylko smutno, że zostawiam swoja rodzinę i przyjaciół. Rok mija szybko, przecież wiem a jednak to aż 365 dni. Urodzą się nowe dzieci, stare dzieci będą jeszcze starsze, przybędzie nam zmarszczek, ktoś się ożeni/ za mąż wyjdzie, ktoś znowu się rozwiedzie... Nie będzie kawy u Szapert, cudownych rozmów z Agnieszką K, z którą nie dość, że doskonale się rozmawia, to i tak samo się milczy. Nie będę mogła wpaść do Edyty i jej zwariowanego mieszkania-księgarni, w którym znaleźć można wolumeny dawno przez historię zapomniane. Przez jakiś czas nie będzie wypadów z Igą i dziwnych na mieście spotkań z Marcinem... Nie będzie pod ręką WAS. I prawdą jest, że z niektórymi rzadko się spotykałam ale zawsze istnieje ta możliwość, że no właśnie.... gdzieś na siebie wpadniemy, jakoś się zobaczymy. Podczas mojej podróży w 2007/08 roku to było dla mnie najtrudniejsze. I chociaż ludzie zawsze gdzieś są i wracam też teraz do znajomych, ludzi których ogromnie, to prawdziwe przyjaźnie mam tutaj - od lat, sprawdzone, jedyne i niepowtarzalne. Z radością do Was powrócę z bajkami, nagraniami, zdjęciami, pamiątkami i historiami. Czekajcie więc na mnie.
Piszcie do mnie, sprawdzajcie od czasu do czasu postępy w moich pracach... Sama będę starała się utrzymać w ryzach ale... Kto mnie zna ten wie :-) Piszcie, opowiadajcie, co się dzieje jak i dlaczego. Zostawiam swoje życie w Polsce ale z nikim nie chcę stracić kontaktu i jak dobrze wiemy, kontaktu się nie traci, jeśli się tylko go stracić nie chce.
Dziękuję za świetna imprezę w sobotę, za dzisiejsze spotkanie przy sushi. Fajnie, że jesteście.
Do zobaczenia soon.
Niebawem napiszę coś więcej o Kambodży, o ustroju, ludziach, muzyce i zwyczajach tak, żebyście do mnie przyjechali. Kto pierwszy?
A to, co dostałam, kiedy wyjeżdżałam z Kambo dwa lata temu. No i jak tu nie wracać?
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